A societal resource for sustainable development

If we envision the Earth's long history as a single year, humans appear only in the last few seconds before the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. Despite our brief time on Earth, we humans and our unsustainable approach to managing its resources constitute the greatest threat to our shared future. The escalating climate changes and the rapid loss of biodiversity are two major crises that we must address simultaneously. We cannot solve one without solving the other.

Fortunately, our planet is resilient. It has the capacity to recover, adapt to changes, and continue evolving. Each individual can, through their contribution, be a part of the solution and the sustainable future.

Universeum is a societal actor that contributes to sustainable development. We engage in lifelong learning within STEM, research in pedagogy, and conservation of endangered species and habitats.

En tvåfärgad tamarinunge tittar nyfiket åt vänster.

Preserving biodiversity

Universeum protects biodiversity by keeping endangered species and contributing to field projects.

En man står och undersöker hur en näringskedja i Serengeti ser ut inne i utställningen Vislab. Vad skulle hända om alla lejon dog ut där?

Research for accelerated learning

Applied research at Universeum within education.

Ett litet barn undersöker tillsammans en monter inne i Miniverseum. En utställning för Universeums yngsta besökare.

Lifelong learning within STEM

Experiences at Universeum increase engagement in STEM subjects.  

The national science centre of Sweden

Universeum is Sweden’s national science center and one of the ten most visited experiences in Sweden. This makes us a powerful arena for education and public education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

As early as 1999, Universeum was allocated state funds to work with public education and learning in sustainable development. What was then a relatively unexplored area is now at the top of everyone’s agendas with Agenda 2023.

Korsvägen Foundation

Universeum opened on June 8, 2001. Then as now, we are a non-profit limited company owned by Korsvägen Foundation (Stiftelsen Korsvägen). Behind the foundation are the four founders.


Universeum was founded by Chalmers, the University of Gothenburg, the Gothenburg Region and the West Swedish Chamber of Commerce. We are as proud as we are grateful of our close collaboration with the founders.


In order to develop our business and create new experiences, we depend on the support and commitment of the outside world. Together with our donors, we create investments that contribute to increased innovation power, strengthened competence supply and action competence for Agenda 2030.

Collaboration partners and cooperation actors

As a collaborator with Universeum, you become a part of our development and an investment in the future. We leverage each other's expertise and strengths, ensuring that both organizations derive mutual benefits from the partnership.

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Our Mission.

Universeum is a public arena for lifelong learning where children and adults explore the world through science and technology. We create experiences that strengthen creativity and innovativeness, increase knowledge and activate critical thinking. With science as a foundation and an engaging pedagogy, we challenge people to enrich their lives and act for a sustainable world.