Earthly and cosmic experiences. For a sustainable future. 

The whole world in one place. That's how we describe Universeum. Here, exhibitions and experiences allow you to explore the world while understanding how everything is interconnected. We provide you with the knowledge to help influence the future.

Showen Cellmas dilemma på Stora scenen med publik som sträcker upp händerna.

Engaging shows. Every day.

Interactive shows on the Main Stage. Help our dinosaur detective, Mars astronaut, and the cell Cellma solve their missions!

See and do

Karta över Universeums alla våningsplan.

Eleven Unique Experiences. Unlimited Adventures.

At Universeum, you can travel around the world and into space all in one day. Welcome to ten unique exhibitions and Sweden's largest visualization dome.


Tre vuxna står och utforskar den stora jordgloben som står inne i utställningen Vislab.

Activities and Guided Tours for Everyone.

For science novices and academic nerds. For the young and old. For first-time visitors and those who have explored the place a thousand times. At Universeum, there's something for everyone. Check out everything happening on the day of your visit.

See and do


At Universeum you can explore the world, down to its tiniest molecules, as well as unimaginably vast galaxies, to discover where we fit into the universe. Discover the fascinating mechanisms of life, humankind’s technical advances, the epic diversity of nature and the countless mysteries of space. Explore the wider context of topics and phenomena, to help you understand how the world works and how everything is interconnected. Take a look at the society that shapes, and is shaped by, you.

Once you understand the world, you can play your part in influencing the future.

All new at Universeum.

Det forsar vatten ner för ett vattenfall ute i utställningen Vildmarken.

The Wilderness

Discover the animals and nature of the temperate zone.

En förälder med barn sitter och pusslar med olika former inne i utställningen Mathrix.


Discover the usefulness of mathematics in your everyday life.

Tre vuxna står och utforskar den stora jordgloben som står inne i utställningen Vislab.


Research data meets visualisation technology to enable you to better understand the world.

Ett litet barn undersöker tillsammans en monter inne i Miniverseum. En utställning för Universeums yngsta besökare.


A best friend for all children and their grown-ups.



Join us on a journey of discovery inside your body.