Research has provided us with a wealth of knowledge about how our bodies work and react to different stimuli. There is also a lot we don’t yet know. Our Humans experience enables you to explore the human body through physical challenges and mental puzzles.

En förälder med barn går runt inne i Humans och upplever kroppens organ.


Look, listen and touch. Experiences for almost all of the body’s senses.

Ett litet barn står och tittar rakt in i kameran framför klätterväggen inne i utställningen Humans.


An environment full of fun ways to learn!

En pojke provar sina muskler genom att hänga i en stång inne i utställningen Humans.

Ingenious challenges

In Humans there are several games to challenge yourself and others.

Två barn klättrar på en klättervägg inne i utställningen Humans.


How can we give ourselves the best chance to live a healthy life? Humans provides an overall medical view of the human body and mind. It’s now possible to take an exciting journey through the body, exploring how our bodies work and the biological mechanisms that govern our lives, including organ systems, from nose to bottom and everything in between, right down to the chemistry of cells.


Slide around on a carrot or take a trip through the intestines. Here are some of the different exhibits you can experience in the exhibition:

Ett barn spelar Matracet i utsällningen humans.

The food race

Ride the carrot through the body. Collect saliva and bacteria before ending up in the toilet.

Pedagoger står i utställningen Humans

Animal brains

Which animal has the largest brain? Match the correct brain with the correct animal.

En pojke provar sina muskler genom att hänga i en stång inne i utställningen Humans.

The Hanging Challenge

Use your entire body. How long can you hang here?

Människor som kollar på montrar i utställningen humans.

Inside the intestine

Take a stroll through the intestines and marvel at the enzyme shower.

Ett barn lägger ett pussel i utställningen humans.

The cell puzzle

The body's cells are amazing! Match the correct cell with the correct body part.

Upplevelser I Humans.