Digitalt årskort.

One pass. 365 days of experiences.

Admission to Universeum for an entire year! Come whenever you want and as often as you want – we're open every single day. All exhibitions, activities, shows, and guided tours are included.

Buy annual pass

Värdebevis som kan lösas in mot ett årskort.

The world's best gift or Christmas present.

Entry to Universeum for an entire year! Choose this gift certificate if you want to give an annual pass as a gift or Christmas present. It will be a gift both to a favorite person and to our world.

Give an annual pass

Digitalt årskort inslaget som en gåva.

Right now! SEK 50 discount on annual pass.

365 days of experiences. Give an annual pass to Universeum as a Christmas gift.

Buy Annual pass

Everything included in an Annual Pass.

Each visit helps you understand how technology and nature, chemistry and vast forests, humans and animals interact. You can jump on the moon, walk through the rainforest, try exciting technology, or experiment in our chemistry lab. Maybe you'll see us feeding the sharks, stand eye to eye with venomous reptiles, or embark on your very own journey to the edge of the universe. You decide what you want to discover!

En guide i entrén som välkomnar gäster till Universeum

Annual card a fast way in

All annual ticket guests are guaranteed a place, no need to book an entrance time just go straight

Ett barn står inne i Universeums butik. Hen håller en stor gosedjurshaj ovanför huvudet.

10% discount in the store

The annual card gives you a 10% discount when you buy smart and durable gadgets for both children

Rymdstationen ISS kommer närmre in i bild när filmen Stort visas inne i Wisdome.

Events and activities

We welcome you with annual tickets to events, rehearsals, previews and other highlights.

Inne i restaurangen står en bänk med fika inför ett frukostmöte.

Restaurant & Café

10% off on today's lunch. Today's fika includes brewed coffee/tea or festis for 45:-

Tre barn som leker i en röd jeep.


A annual pass is already worth it on the third visit. You buy them easily online! After the purchase, you will receive a digital annual pass sent to you via email and SMS.

buy now

En familj står och blickar ut över Regnskogen


Universeum's mission is to be a public arena for lifelong learning where children and adults explore the world through science and technology. With a annual pass, you give both yourself and us the conditions to contribute to a sustainable world.


A whole year of knowledge and experiences. Universeum is full of adventure, every day. Here's how to give an annual pass as a gift, as a Christmas present or just to make someone extra happy!

  1. Choose which annual pass you want to give away, adult or child.
  2. Select ADD and complete the purchase
  3. The pass is delivered as a digital proof of value in the booking confirmation and as a textmessage.
  4. Print a gift certificate
  5. Give away the gift certificate and then send the digital voucher or textmessage to the person who will receive the annual card.


Ett helt år av kunskap och upplevelser.

Universeum är fullt av äventyr, varje dag. Du kan hoppa på månen, vandra i regnskogen, testa spännande teknik eller experimentera i vårt kemilabb. Kanske får du se när vi matar hajarna, stå öga mot öga med giftiga reptiler eller göra en alldeles egen resa till universums yttersta gräns. Du bestämmer vad du vill upptäcka! Varje besök hjälper dig förstå hur teknik och natur, kemi och stora skogar, människor och djur samspelar.

Vi ger dig kunskap och kraft att förändra ditt liv och kanske hela världens framtid. Det är magin med Universeum!

Upptäck alla Utställningar.

En förälder med barn sitter och pusslar med olika former inne i utställningen Mathrix.


Discover the usefulness of mathematics in your everyday life.

Tre vuxna står och utforskar den stora jordgloben som står inne i utställningen Vislab.


Research data meets visualisation technology to enable you to better understand the world.

Två barn som hoppar månhoppet inne i Universeums utställning Rymdresan.


Take off into the universe and explore what it is like to travel and live in space.

En månskenshuggorm mot svart bakgrund. Den går i olika nyanser av grönt med en rosa delad tunga.

The Reptilarium

Explore a globally-unique collection of venomous snakes and lizards.

En vacker blå fjäril flyger förbi inne i Regnskogen.

The Rainforest

Welcome to an 18,000 cubic metre, green rainforest cube!

Ett litet barn undersöker tillsammans en monter inne i Miniverseum. En utställning för Universeums yngsta besökare.


A best friend for all children and their grown-ups.

Två äldre barn gör ett experiment inne i Kemilabbet. Det sprutar skum ut ur en stor e-kolv.

The Chemistry Lab

The Chemistry Lab is where we explore the magic of chemistry.



Join us on a journey of discovery inside your body.

Barn som springer längst med oceantanken

Ocean zone

Dive in and meet several hundred of known species of fish!

Tre vuxna står och utforskar den stora jordgloben som står inne i utställningen Vislab.


Give annual passes to Universeum to colleagues, customers or other valuable people.