have an ADVENTUROUS winter holiday.
Universeum during the winter holiday is packed with activities – and guaranteed good weather every day. Shark spotting, quizzes, exciting experiments, and action-packed shows are just a glimpse of everything you can do. These are some of the winter break highlights. The program will be updated continuously.

Champions of the world ocean.
In a show inspired by TV reality competitions, five participants must traverse four climate zones, cross three oceans, and check in at least two checkpoints without any assistance. Who will emerge as the winner? Champions of the World Ocean makes its debut on the Main Stage just in time for the winter holiday.
EXPerience wisdome.
Embark on grand adventures! Wisdome is Sweden's largest visualization dome, showcasing thrilling 3D films for the whole family. Journey into space or dive into the ocean – the choice is yours.
HALLOWEENS höjdpunkter.
Kom nära ormar och smaka på insekter. Brygg din egen trolldryck eller möt vampyrer. Under Halloween 2023 har vi flera nyheter. Här är ett axplock av allt du kan se och göra.

MAxade wisdomeveckor.
Ge dig ut på storslagna äventyr! Under sporlovet har vi laddat upp med 8 olika upplevelser allt från uppfinningsrika hamstrar till
ALLT SOM HÄNDER Under Sportlovet.
Här kan du se hela programmet, dag för dag.